Cloud-based Bootleg Merchandise Search, Reporting, and Deterrent System


    Our custom built software enables the swift discovery, quantification and stopping of counterfeit merchandise, unauthorised sellers and copyright infringement.

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    Understand who is selling your merchandise

    In our discovery phase, we go out and find all instances across the online landscape where your merchandise is sold - legally or illegally.

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    How much are you losing?

    See how much bootleg merchandise is costing your business and how you can salvage these losses.

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    Putting a stop to illegal practices and bring back the proceeds

    Automate legal action and take down notices. Track communications being sent out. Create an audit trail to getting illegal merchandise removed.


    Remove the stress of tracking and eliminating counterfeiters

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    Save time in finding and eliminating bootleggers

    Hours and days of searching and sending takedowns reduced to minutes.

    Our custom software eliminates the bane of spending many hours and days having to weed out the culprits eliminating bureaucratic strain.

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    Stop counterfeiters reappearing faster

    Eliminate them sooner and knock them out as they resurface.

    In the ever escalating game of 'Whack-a-Mole' to stop counterfeiters infringing on your sales, we help you to eliminate them in time and then spot them reappearing - giving you the edge.

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    Track Success

    Keep track of who has been eliminated already and who has yet to be crushed.

    With the range of sites as well as volume of bootleg merchandise being sold we simplify your data so you know immediately who has been taken down and who still remains.


    Our range of features are designed to simplify stopping counterfeit and bootlegged merchandise online

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    From tracking to taking care of it

    We make it simple

    +Easy to use intuitive interface.


    +Find and pull in all instances where your merchandise or copies are being sold.


    +Custom reporting on instances of counterfeit merchandise throughout the web across multiple platforms from Amazon to Etsy and beyond.


    +Templated and automated emails sent to the right stakeholders.


    +Tracking of takedowns and successful resolutions.


    +Customisable analytics to enable your team to track their K.P.I’s.


    +Automatically search for new infringements.


    +24 hour client support.


    Our bespoke pricing matches your business.

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    Fixed monthly rate

    We fit your business

    From small operators to large we have the right package for you. Our monthly pricing structure is based on volume.

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    Variable rate based on success

    You only pay for wins

    We only charge for successfull takedowns.


    Tell us why you're ready to stop bootleg merch sales and get a free analysis of just how much bootleg merchandise is out there stealing from out of your pockets.